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Vix Vizion ImagusIDINT156

Imagus Video Analytics and Facial Recognition software, developed by Vix Vizion, provides multi factor identity verification for more secure site management and access control.

Vix Vizion is Australia’s leading Facial Recognition software provider, who develops and supports the Imagus product. The integration with Gallagher can be used in a variety of industry use cases in many sectors including Mining, and Australian Critical Infrastructure.

Key benefits:

  • Provides 2nd level verification that the person presenting an access card is that person and not someone else
  • Additional verification with Gallagher and Credential Management Software companies to ensure the person presenting the access card is authorised, licenced and correctly trained to conduct the work they intend to perform
  • Vix Vizion’s Imagus software was recently ranked 2nd in the world for accuracy in facial verification in ‘wild’ or challenging environments by the US NIST organisation
  • Imagus meets AOIC privacy principles
  • Locally developed and supported.

Easy installation, setup and configuration:

  • Set up REST API Client using the Gallagher Configuration Client
  • Establish the Gallagher connection to REST API Client via the Imagus Configuration Apps
  • Configure the facial authentication function via Gallagher Controller API interface
  • Use Imagus Configuration Apps to set up video/camera streams and associate them to door access with ease
  • Gallagher uses one management platform to control all cardholder configuration and access rights, as well as events and alarms triggered
  • All credentials are synchronized from Gallagher to Imagus database for face authentication. The process is wholly governed by Gallagher, and no modification is allowed by the external systems.

System brand: Vix Vizion

Product name: Imagus

Interface developed by: Vix Vizion

Imagus Software Versions:

  • Imagus 3.10.80 and later
  • Imagus_Gallagher_FTCAPI 10.1.12
  • Requiring Imagus gallaheraccesspoints licence

Gallagher Software Versions:

  • Command Centre v8.30 or later
  • REST API Alarms & Events (Licence C12772)
  • REST API Cardholder (Licence C12784)
  • REST API Status (Licence C12810)
  • Gallagher Controller API 8.10.xx (No license required)
  • REST API Inbound Events (License C12820, Optional)
  • Gallagher Dual Authentication Enhancement 8.30.xx (License C12661, Optional)

Available and supported: Australia and New Zealand

Contact for this interface:
Frank Havelka
Sales and Marketing
P: 1800 861 007
E: fhavelka@vixvizion.com


  • Where can we purchase Vix Vizion Imagus?

Vix Vizion integration licenses can be purchased via distributors BGWT, CSD, EOS and VSP in Australia and Channel10 in New Zealand.

Please note that, unless expressly stated otherwise:

  • Gallagher does not provide any representation, warranty, endorsement or guarantee of these integrated products and any third party products.
  • Gallagher is not responsible or liable in any way for any features, content or services provided through these integrated products or third party products.
  • Gallagher does not provide any warranty regarding the compatibility or continued compatibility of third party products with Gallagher products.